Our services

Spill Response 

360 personnel have extensive experience in spill response for our oil and gas, transportation, commercial, and residential clients. We remediate spills utilizing low impact cleanup methodologies while ensuring protection of environmental receptors, the public, and property. Our dedicated 24 Hour Spill Response line is 1.855.224.5014


Emergency spill response and remediation

360’s spill response team designs our spill response and cleanup operations with a focus on protecting our clients’ reputations, minimizing liability, maximizing cost efficiencies, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.   


Recent Projects


Spill Response

Spill response projects managed by 360 are developed to achieve regulatory closure or minimize associated long-term liabilities to the greatest possible degree, across all industries and sectors. 

24 Hour Spill Response line – 1.855.224.5014

Initial response and assessment

Regulatory and Landowner Communication

Impact characterization and delineation

Development of Remediation Action Plans (RAPs)

Remediation of Impacts

Release Closure Reporting

Post-Remediation Monitoring

Expert Spotlight

Vitaly Vedmedenko, M.Sc., P.Ag.

Technical Manager

Vitaly has a M.Sc. in Forestry, Soil Sciences, and Resource Management from the National Agrarian University of Kyiv, Ukraine, and holds a designation of Professional Agrologist in Alberta. He has over 20 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry and as part of his career, Vitaly has successfully managed numerous complex environmental impact assessments and remediation projects completed as part of planned environmental programs, land development, asset retirement obligations, spill response, and government enforcement orders.