Register Now! 360’s Free ARO Educational Series

In an effort to help industry in this difficult time, we are launching a 5 part, educational webinar aimed at discussing all things related to Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO).  The webinars are free to register and you can attend as many as you wish.

We will be covering the following 5 topics:

  • Regulatory Change and Government Intervention
  • ARO Activities and Balance Sheet Implications
  • Abandonment Campaigns and Strategy
  • Environmental Closure and Risk Based Thinking
  • Skye Asset Retirement – Closure Activities Remodeled

The goal firstly is to share our knowledge but also we aim to stimulate dialogue so that we can collaborate, share ideas and discuss the challenges facing our sector in industry.  There will be open discussion during the Q&A and we will encourage many segments of industry to attend.

For registration email with your name and company details.

Click this link for more details: ARO Simplified – Webinar Series_Final

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