During the week of November 18th, 360’s Mark Ashton will be joining senior leaders from across the Canadian oil and gas service sector in Edmonton to petition the Government of Alberta’s support for PSAC’s proposed Resource Environmental Tax Credit (RETC). This tax credit would provide the mechanism for an estimated injection of $700 million of private capital to decommission and close inactive wells, pipelines and facilities across western Canada.

Facility Expansion Program
The Facility Expansion Program for a major oil producer included several key projects aimed at enhancing the capacity and efficiency of existing facilities. The program involved the expansion of multi-well batteries (MWB) and sour gas processing plants (SGPP), including the addition of new surface equipment and power generation capabilities. Key services included the amendment of several D056 licenses to expand MWB size and add surface equipment; and to expand one MWB to a SGPP. 360 also supported with associated EPEA and AUC applications and approvals. Additionally, the program covered a superpad expansion with added power generation and compression to a D056 license, completion of the associated EPEA application for a power plant approval with MWB > 16 kg/hr NOx, and the AUC application, all of which were approved.