360 is looking forward to attending the CLRA Alberta 2023 AGM & Conference where Dave Lamberton, Manager of Business Development, and Lukas Frost, Environmental Scientist will be giving a presentation on our innovative fleet of mini equipment that can help achieve cost savings and reduce environmental impact on remote reclamation projects. The conference kicks off tomorrow in Edmonton and our presentation will take place at 11:30am on Friday, February 24th. Check out the presentation abstract HERE.

Facility Expansion Program
The Facility Expansion Program for a major oil producer included several key projects aimed at enhancing the capacity and efficiency of existing facilities. The program involved the expansion of multi-well batteries (MWB) and sour gas processing plants (SGPP), including the addition of new surface equipment and power generation capabilities. Key services included the amendment of several D056 licenses to expand MWB size and add surface equipment; and to expand one MWB to a SGPP. 360 also supported with associated EPEA and AUC applications and approvals. Additionally, the program covered a superpad expansion with added power generation and compression to a D056 license, completion of the associated EPEA application for a power plant approval with MWB > 16 kg/hr NOx, and the AUC application, all of which were approved.