2023 Year in Review

Welcome to 360’s last insight of the year. As tradition dictates, the team has scoured the office for anyone willing to support a summary of our year of Insights and has come up empty. The pleasure now falls on me to hit the “high notes” and reflect on the year that was, while we prep for 2024.

From a purely title perspective, we can infer a lot from the material that our esteemed team puts out. We cover a range of topics that are relevant to our Engineering and Environmental Consulting market, the Canadian business landscape, and human interest. The articles were:

1. Carbon Credits & Site Closure in Canada & the USA – A Win Win Win – by Mark Ashton

2. Keep it Simple, Scientists: The Benefits of Applying Risk Principles to Simple Sites – by Lori Vickerman

3. Are we Human? – by Janet Waddell and Chantelle Carley

4. Beneath the Surface: Exploring the Evolution of Mine Closure and Decommissioning Regulations in Saskatchewan – by Clayton Stenhouse

5. Emissions Data Program Design and Technology Selection – Musings of a Career Well Integrity Specialist – by Ryan Doull

6. Streamlining Communication and Unlocking the Benefits of a Single Contact Point for Clients – by Graeme Hawkins

7. After the Fire: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – by Bryce Watson

8. The Evolution of Liability Management – by Mike Newton

9. Small Equipment = Big Savings: Save Money by Reducing Time to Closure on Boreal Forest Sites – by Dave Lamberton

10. Building Resilience: 360’s 2023 ESG Report – by the 360 ESG team

11. Focusing on Mental Health & Wellness in the workplace – by the 360 Leadership Team

What this tells us about the year that was 2023 is that there was a focus on Technology (4 articles), ARO Evolution (3 articles), and Client Obsession (3 articles). Now, when I reflect on our business and the work that has gone into growing, improving, and enhancing our operation, there is a definite link between our actual work and the things we express to the market via our insights. This is a comforting feeling!

As 360 evolves, we will forever keep this trait as foundational to our success. Never resting on complacency, never accepting mediocrity, and always approaching problems with a solution-based mindset. I can assure anyone who has read this far that we don’t always get it right, but we do always try. And in this instance, Yoda was not right*…

Feedback is always encouraged and appreciated, so please feel free to reach out directly via email or LinkedIn.

Happy and Safe Holidays,

Ryan Smith

*Explanation: Yoda’s famous quote “Do or do not, there is no try” doesn’t always align with the real-world challenges we face. At 360, we recognize the value of trying, experimenting, and learning from our attempts. It’s in the process of trying that we often find innovative solutions and continuous improvement.

Recent Insights

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